Friday, April 24, 2015

First post/received response to my request today

Hello all. Hoping someone (MANY someones) is reading this. What is this about? Here’s the ‘about’ section:

“Freeing Torolf is my blog about my part in Beagle Freedom’s Project Identity Campaign, which seeks to obtain through the Freedom of Information Act, the records of dogs and cats being used as lab animals in schools across the United States. Torolf, known to the world as 29846, is a dog (likely a beagle) of unknown gender at Texas A&M. S/he was born in 2009. Imagine being a dog, confined to a life of experimentation. Torolf has been going through this for six years. Through BFP’s Identity Campaign I seek to increase awareness of animal testing, convince people to boycott  brands that test on animals, and ultimately free Torolf.”

I sent off for info about Torolf around April 8. April 10th I got an email from Open Records at Texas A & M saying they’d received my request and I would know something within ten days. April 24, today, I get this email. 
Re: Request for a Decision regarding a Public Information Request from [my name] to Texas A&M University (TAMU 15-289)

Dear Open Records Division:
On April 10, 2015 Texas A&M University received a public information request from [myname]. In the request, enclosed as Exhibit A, Mr. [my name] is seeking certain information related to a laboratory research animal.

At this time, the university is in the process of gathering and reviewing information responsive to the request. We believe the requestor seeks records that may include information excepted from disclosure pursuant to the Texas Public Information Act, Government Code, Chapter 552 (the Act), sections 552.101 through 552.154, including but not limited to section552.101.
Accordingly, we are requesting a decision regarding this request.
In accordance with section 552.301(e) of the Act, we will submit as soon as possible and no later than May 1, 2015, the 15th business day after the receipt of the request, a labeled copy of the requested information, or representative samples thereof, along with our written comments stating the reasons the stated exceptions would allow all or part of the requested information to be withheld from disclosure....

Needless to say, I’m livid. These people are AFRAID to release info about what they’re doing to these animals. They don’t want the public to know. They’ll do what they can to HIDE the hell these animals go through. And when they’re done with the animals, they often kill them. They don’t even get a chance at a normal life. Other people who are participating in the Identity Campaign have received even worse. One school wants over $500 in fees for info regarding a lab animal. One lucky person only has to pay $90, one down to $30.

I'm not the first person the school has sent this letter too. From a quick look at the BFP site, there's at least four others.
Now I can only wait.

You can read the sections the letter mentions here: 

From a brief look, it seems to be mostly personal information regarding those working with the animals. That I can understand. But using those exceptions to hide what has been done to the dog, that I will NEVER understand. I am hoping the exceptions are just to protect those who run the hellish tests on the animals, not to hide what is being done.


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